Risc World 3
Risc World 3.iso
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147 lines
Title : Image Catalogue
Author : Malcolm Ripley
Version : 2.0 - 20th January 2003
Location : http://www.argonet.co.uk/users/mripley/index.html
(software section)
The original intention of this program was to create an HTML catalogue of
photos that could be burnt onto a CD and be compatible with both RISCOS and
Windows, an immediate need of my own. The first version achieved all of this
perfectly. However it immediately (I really do mean zero seconds!) became
apparent that the functionality could be extended to include all types of
images, including vector files, and that editing of catalogue details would
make far more sense in an interactive catalogue environment rather than the
text files.
Enter version 2
* Handles - Sprites , Drawfiles , AVI's (from digital cameras) , JPEG's ,
plus any file formats recognised by ImageFS
plus any file formats recognised by ChangeFSI
* Will build a catalogue of a directory tree of images.
* Files dragged to the iconbar icon will be interpreted and then displayed in
a detail view.
* Directories dragged to the iconbar will be searched and all recognised
images displayed in a thumbnail view.
* Creates JPEG thumbnails for fast re-creation of a thumbnail view.
* Essentially adopted the EXIF tags list for its own image database details.
* Almost all tag values can be edited. Some tags don't make sense to edit
e.g. x-y dimensions !! Please note that when an EXIf file is handled the
embedded tags are extracted into the Thumbcat database and can thus be
edited. The tags within the file remain unchanged.
* Thumbnail views behave similar to filer windows in that :
- Images can be copied (by dragging) or moved (by shift dragging) between
- Images can be copied and modified by adjust dragging. In this case an
options window will pop up allowing you to choose simple rotations and
reflections and to change the filetype of the copy.
* Catalogues can be stored with images or remote from the images in a
"pseudo" application. The pseudo application can be relocated without loss
of functionality. Thus catalogues can be created of readonly sources.
* HTML catalogues can be created. These will have relative links for
catalogues with the images and absolute references for catalogues remote
from the images.
* Configurable thumbnail and detail views.
Subtle points
The combination of dragging to the iconbar and adjust dragging to a filer
window allows thumbcat to translate a drawfile to a jpeg, for example.
Problem Reporting
Please report any problems to myself, my details are at the bottom of this
file. I will also welcome any constructive recommendations but please
refer to the future enhancements section first.
When reporting a bug please email the full error message! You may also
like to run the debugging window which could give further details. The
debugging window can be displayed at anytime by clicking 4 times on the name
part of the info window.
SpriteExtend module with JPEG extension (released with RiscOS 3.6 onwards)
CompressJpeg module (released with RiscOS 3.6 onwards)
Future enhancememts
These are being worked on now:
* Database queries. The result will be a view of images identical in
appearance to a thumbnail view. These types of views will refresh every
time they are displayed i.e. the search criteria re-run. A database query
result view can be saved/copied as a user view.
* User Views. A user view will be a list of images from any album of any
catalogue. The view will be fully functional. These views will only change
if the user adds or removes images.
* Add digital camera maker notes (I have quite a few).
* Parent-child relationships to allow tracing of copied files
* OLE functionality so that an edited image has its thumbnails reworked
* Documentation (I do enough of this at work !!)
Annoyances to be fixed:
* Eliminate the opening of duplicate catalogues, albums and detail views.
* External files are displayed with ALL exif tag details. If these are then
copied to an album then all the tags are copied. These should be limited to
the users cataloguing choices.
* Smarter memory usage.
* Some tuning to improve performance.
* Improved progress messages, hourglass indicators etc
* make the each window open up at a slightly different location
Maybe not the next release:
* Allow transformation of draw files.
* Slideshow facility with configurable sizes, fades, borders etc
* Printing of album sheets i.e. a "contact" sheet.
* Validation of edited tag values.
Licence and terms of use
This program is copyright © Malcolm Ripley 2003. It has been released as
FREEWARE. This means you can copy, distribute and make use of it as you see
fit, provided you do not sell it. PD libraries may include it as long as they
do not charge more for disks than is needed to cover costs.
I can accept no liability for data loss or other damages arising from the use
of this product.
Version History
V2.0 - Handles sprites, drawfiles, jpegs and EXif's with no additional
applications. Handles all vector and bitmap images recognised by
ImageFS and ChangeFSI, if present/running.
- Editable tag details.
- Filer-like image copying and moving facilities.
V1.0 - Never released due to a website problem. It only handled sprites,
jpegs and AVI's without thumbnails. Only created an HTML
catalogue format.
Author Details
Name : Malcolm Andrew Ripley
Address : 7 MacNeill Gardens, East Kilbride, Glasgow , G74 4TS
Email : mripley@argonet.co.uk
Website : http://www.argonet.co.uk/users/mripley/index.html